Pet Wellness Exams in Langhorne, PA

We handle more than urgent cases here at Pets Furst Urgent Care. Our veterinarians in Langhorne are also happy to provide pet exams and other essential wellness services to keep your companion in the best of health. Dogs and cats age about 5-7 years for each year that humans age, and this makes routine pet checkups extremely important.

You don’t need an appointment to see us for your pet’s wellness care. Stop in today between 8am-8pm!

vet holding small white dog

What to Expect with Your Pet’s Wellness Exam

A lot can change for your pet in just a year, and seeing a veterinarian for regular checkups can help you both stay on top of those changes.

We take a thorough approach to each pet exam, which includes:

  • A head-to-tail physical
  • Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, weight, and body condition check
  • An evaluation of your pet’s diet/nutrition
  • A discussion and evaluation of your pet’s behavior
  • The time you need to ask questions and get clear, satisfactory answers

Additional Wellness Services We Can Provide

Along with the wellness exam, we can offer other services to maintain your pet’s good health and protection from disease, such as:

  • Blood and parasite screenings
  • Fecal testing
  • Urinalysis (if needed)
  • Core and lifestyle-based vaccinations, as needed
  • Parasite prevention
  • Age-based blood screenings for various diseases

Keeping disease and illness at bay is critical to keeping your pet healthy. Stop by and see us any time between 8am and 8pm, any day of the week!

The Importance of Life Stage Wellness Care for Pets

The type of care your pet needs during their wellness exam will change somewhat as they grow older. Whether your companion is an adult, a senior, or a 5-month-old puppy or kitten, our veterinarians can provide care that is tailored to them.

Here are a few areas of your pet’s health care regimen that will evolve over time:


Dogs and cats will require different nutrients from one life stage to the next. If you feed your pet a diet that is not formulated for their age group, it can result in caloric and nutrient deficiencies - or a greater risk of obesity, depending on the diet. We can offer recommendations that are suitable for your pet.


Some vaccines may remain constant throughout your pet’s life, but if they experience changes in their health and lifestyle, their vaccination schedule could change. They might require an additional vaccine, or fewer vaccines, according to their needs.

Health conditions

Pets can also experience health conditions related to their age, particularly once they become seniors. These conditions include diabetes, arthritis, vision and hearing loss, weight gain, and heart disease.